Over time, technology has reduced barriers to conducting business, increasing revenue, improving processes, and implementing new tools within companies.

However, today, its implementation is no longer a luxury, or an investment, but rather a fundamental necessity that allows large and small companies to be at the forefront of new times, with competitive processes both in the national market and international.

According to HP Global Vice President for SMEs John Brennan, the mission of the companies that supply the different types of technology in this market remains clear: to help SMEs or obtain more results in their businesses from their investments in technology. What it means is that SMEs should focus on achieving their objectives or results (focus on their work) and not have to worry about technology, so it is essential to be up to date on technological advances with the support of a good company.

These solutions optimize productivity because they are focused on the needs of SMEs and are worked together with business partners to adapt to the requirements and needs of these current and future companies. We can take https://www.casinoenligne-ca.com as an example of great management and adaptability in the gambling industry that is very volatile and very elusive. They have stayed on top and retained their player base, even increased it with the help of amazing bonuses.

The added value for multinationals that are currently incorporating these new technologies are a large number of resources, products, solutions and services that are focused on SMEs, that have been improved and implemented after several years of working hand in hand with many companies and business partners who work in the sector.

These companies, through their managers, recommend that SMEs should focus on achieving their objectives. For this, it is important to invest in current technology according to their needs and growth projections in order to compete in this market. Despite the fact that there are technologies that serve all applications or are adapted according to the needs of companies, each company has a portfolio of products, solutions, and services for this market. They seek to adopt these solutions or design a new one, according to the needs of each SME.

Likewise, the companies that are in the national market offering this service for companies agree in affirming that the SME sector is a very important segment and the one with the highest growth in recent years, allowing the generation of new products.


What to Implement?

Thanks to the fact that the Internet has become the fundamental tool for communications and for business in general, according to José Fernando Díaz Melo, director of Business Solutions in this matter, the entrepreneur must know the reasons that will motivate him to use this instrument.

The reasons for an entrepreneur who is just beginning to work with the network, depend a lot on what he wants to achieve. If he is looking for better interaction with its employees and to reduce information dissemination costs in addition to many other things, surely the ideal will be an intranet. If what I want is for them to get to know me, show my products and make sales online, the best thing will be a page with a virtual store (that includes a catalog, shopping cart and payment methods), and so on. Usually, it starts with the simplest email that my company identifies, followed by the design of the Web Site, and little by little, it begins to grow with the advantages of Internet protocol – written by a successful entrepreneur.

It is very important for companies to know what are the most common mistakes that entrepreneurs make in the use of the Internet or in the acquisition of services:

  • Believe that it is the solution to your problems and as such, it works alone.
  • Failing to design a clear strategy about what is being pursued.
  • Find solutions by cost and not according to what the company wants and needs.
  • Build on temporary solutions that do not allow scalability to projects.
  • Try to do everything in-house when that is not the focus of your business.
  • Lack of management commitment in the project.
  • Consider the Internet a Technology project since the Internet as such, is not a business model but rather a facilitating medium.
  • Lack of ambition. You have to be cautious but always with the idea of ​​taking your projects on the Internet very far.
  • Be advised by expert companies without leaving aside the objective of the hiring and the business as such.

Likewise, continuing with this line, it is important to consider that the growth of the Internet channel is within the world economy; allows the globalization of SMEs within everyone’s reach.

It offers the possibility of getting the information easier, faster, and at lower costs. It’s easier because you are in a completely global environment, it is much faster because it allows the employer to place information that you require immediately, and at lower costs through the global network that already has positioning and recognition.

The expansion of the business through the network is another reason why SMEs should implement this tool. With the Internet, I can have a closer interaction with my employees through internal mechanisms, and I can reach clients without making large investments in physical and printed material with greater effectiveness. I can collect databases and interact with my clients through community tools such as forums, chat, and surveys, and most importantly, I can lead my business to sell, expanding the three traditional channels, and returning to the Internet as the fourth.

Although the majority of the areas of a company can be benefited through the implementation of the Internet, everything depends a lot on the objective that the company pursues, that is, in an SME, the commercial part, can become a sales and promotion channel. Logistics for data exchange with suppliers; finances to keep customers closer in tracking payments; customer service to be able to receive service information and be able to follow up one by one.

On the other hand, in the market, there are many standards, and in fact this has been the chosen path towards the SME segment. A start-up company should look for standard tools and little by little look for growth according to the scalability results of the business. Today, large technology companies offer solutions that adapt to the needs of SMEs, allowing their design to be more focused on their business.